Hernán Toro, svc

Director of Photography


Hernán Toro (Director of Photography) was born and raised in the colorful city of Caracas, Venezuela; there he studied advertising before leaving home for England, where he attended The London Film School. Once back in Caracas, he rapidly became one of most sought after and recognized cinematographers in Venezuela, then South America and eventually moved to New York City where he resides since 1995.

Toro has shot over 20 feature films most notably "First We Take Brooklyn," "3 Noches," "Mob Town," "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.” Recently “Spiked,” “Blackjack: The Story of Jackie Ryan,” “Hamlet/Horatio,” and nearly 900 TV commercials, several music videos, shorts, and documentaries. In between films he dedicates his time to teach Cinematography to newer generations of filmmakers at the New York Film Academy.

Hernán continues to apply his eye, knowledge, and passion to his cinematography. He is also an accomplished still photographer, with his work shown as part of a dozen photographic exhibitions, photos published in magazines, catalogs, and three architectural books.



  • Director of Photography and Camera Operator on 17 Feature Films, list in IMDb
  • 2nd Unit Director of Photography and Camera Operator on 3 more feature films
  • DoP/Cam Op on over a dozen short films
  • DoP/Cam Op on tens of Music Videos

The War of The Worlds The New Generation (Shot Mr. Liam Neeson for the large screens, including his Hologram interacting with actors on stage)

  • Have shot close to 900 TV commercials as DoP/Cam Op. Clients include: Apple, Amstel, Astor, Belfort, BellSouth, Brita, Bohemia Beer, Camay, C.A.N.T.V., Carib Beer, Claro, Coca-Cola, Coppertone, Colgate, Derby, DHL, DisneyWorld, Electricidad de Caracas, Empresas Polar, Final Net, Ford, Garnier, Good Year, Gouverneur Hospital, HBO, Heinz, Helene Curtis, IBM, I.D. Guard, Johnnie Walker Black, KFC, Kickers, K-Mart, Kinney Drugs, Kozy Shack, Kraft, Lipton, L’Oreal, Maggi, Mastercard, McCormick, McDonalds, Mead Johnson, MediCare, Mennen, Metro de Caracas, Metro de Santo Domingo, Nabisco, Nescafe, Nestea, Nestlé, NYNEX, NyQuil, Olay,Orange, Pacific Bell, PAM, Pantene, PEPSI, Pert Plus, Philip Morris, Polar Beer, Polygram, Presidente Beer, P&G, Reebok, Reliant Energy, Revlon, Rolex, Safeguard, Samsung, Savoy, Seagram’s, 7up, Showtime, Smirnoff, Sony, Sprite, Telcel, El Tiempo, Tide, Toyota, Verizon, VISA, VV Cont., Wallflower Jeans, Wrangler.
  • Cinematography Teacher at The New York Film Academy Part-time since 09/2017
  • FFTG Awards. Hamlet/Horatio, Best Cinematography, Fall 2020
  • American Advertising Awards Gouverneur Hospital TV spot “Bright Future” 2016
  • 28th Annual Healthcare Adv. Awards Gold: Kinney Drugs “Drive In,” “Your Very Own” 2011
  • 17th Annual Communicator Awards (Silver): Kinney Drugs “Drive In,” “Your Very Own” 2011
  • VT Association of Broadcasters. TV 2nd Place. Kinney Drugs, “Dinner” 2008
  • American Adv. Federation. Reg/Nat TV campaign. Gold Addy. Kinney Drugs (Barber Shop) 2007
  • 1st Latin American Cinema Festival of New York. Best Opera Prima, (3 Nights) 2002
  • 1st Latin American Cinema Festival of New York. Audience Award, (3 Nights) 2002
  • Centro Nacional de Cinematografía. Best Cinematography & Best Camera. (3 Nights) 2001
  • Asoc. Nacional de Autores Cinematográficos. Best Cinematography & Best Camera. (Little…) 1999
  • Premio Nacional de el Artista. Best Cinematography. (Little…) 1999
  • Asoc. Nacional de Autores Cinematográficos. Best Cinematography & Best Camera. (Voice…) 1998
  • Casablanca International Film Festival. Morocco. Best Cinematography. (Roraima) 1995
  • Procter & Gamble. World Class Copy Program. Best Cinematography Award. (Camay) 1994-95
  • Asoc. Nacional de Autores Cinematográficos. Best Cinematography. (Roraima / Zoologico) 1994
  • Premio Nacional de el Artista. Best Cinematography. (Roraima) 1993
  • III Award Producción & Distribución Mag. Best Cinematography/Central America. (Derby) 1993
  • III Award Producción & Distribución Mag. Best Cinematography/South America. (Wrangler) 1993
  • Premio Municipal de Cine. Best Cinematography. (Zoológico) 1992
  • Asociación Nacional de Autores Cinematográficos. Best Cinematography. (A Dream…) 1991
  • Asociación Nacional de Autores Cinematográficos. Best Cinematography. (Mrs. Bolero) 1990
  • II Festival Manuel Trujillo Durán. Best Camera. (Memories…) [SD] 1984

Over 2,000+ printed Photographs for Fashion & Advertising. 1982-93
11 Photographic Exhibitions. 1981-86
3 Architectural Books. (Still Photography / Shared Credits) 1982-86
“Dear Santa…” Shot all the pictures in the book, 2016 (Amazon, Nook, Apple Books)
Real Estate Photography (Has contributed to Berkshire Hathaway Westchester Properties, NY)

  • Marketing Copy & Ghost Writer for Web Pages:
    • A WATER LIFE (www.awaterlife.pe)
    • The Open Inc. (theopeninc.com) 
  • Author: “Dear Santa…” Short illustrated narrative story, 2016 (Amazon, Nook, Apple Books) 
  • Translator: “¿LA VIDA? ¡UN TEATRO!” Spanish to English “Life? A Vaudeville!” (in Amazon) [Have also translated the two Web Pages from English to Spanish]
  • In-Depth ARRI ALEXA Workshop (Abel Cine, NY) 2018 
  • Method of Teaching by BPSS & New York State Education Department 2017 & 2019
  • Understanding Scopes Workshop (Abel Cine, NY) 2016
  • Raw, Log & Uncompressed (Abel Cine, NY) 2016 
  • REDucation (Workshop on RED cameras by RED) NYC. US 2013 
  • Graduate from the London Film School. London, UK 1980 
  • Graduate in Advertising from Instituto Universitario Nuevas Profesiones. CCS, VZLA. 1976
  • Fluent in English and Spanish
  • Highly skilled Camera Operator 
  • 70%+ of career shot on actual film, proficient on photochemical image capture
  • Lots of experience in Blue Screen & Green Screen cinematography 
  • Way past 10,000 hours of advertising cinematography
  • Fast adapting capabilities, team player, and positive attitude under varying circumstances 
  • Supervised Color Grading on all my feature films and on over 600 TV commercials

Short Films



Documentaries & several Music Videos



Photographic Exhibitions



Architectural Books

(Still Photography / Shared Credits) 1982-86


Moren Than Printed Photographs for Fashion & Advertising
